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Award:Pentawards2023 Shilver

お米の形を模した1合入りギフトパッケージデザイン。 「いいものを沢山の人に伝えるためのパッケージ」をコンセプトに渡しても荷物にならないサイズ感と、茶碗2杯分の米の量。福井の思い出を相手と話しながら、また福井に訪れて欲しい。そんな想いが込められています。形状は糊付け一回、上下を捻る事で折罫線に沿って形が成形されるコンストラクション。北陸新幹線開通記念パッケージとして、福井県のブランド米「いちほまれ」を内包し、福井県内の各土産店・米販売店などに展開。 

ペントアワード2023 銀賞受賞。

A gift package design in the shape of a cup of rice. The package is designed with the concept of “a package to convey good things to many people,” and is small enough not to be a burden when given as a gift, and the amount of rice is equivalent to two cups of tea. We want people to visit Fukui again while talking about their memories of Fukui with the recipient. This is the idea behind this product. The shape is a construction that is formed along the ruled line by gluing once and twisting the top and bottom. As a commemorative package for the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen, the package contains Fukui brand rice “Ichihomare” and is being sold at various souvenir stores and rice retailers in Fukui Prefecture. 

Winner of the Pento Award 2023 Silver Prize.

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